including 5 Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences and 18 recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars from NSFC. The main purpose of HCMS is to carry out research of highest level on some of the main directions of Mathematical Science through cooperation and exchange. HCMS runs regular academic programs throughout the whole year. , and computation on manifolds. HCMS has 45 faculty members,澳门英皇网站, Geometry,澳门英皇网址澳门英皇网站澳门英皇官网 澳门英皇网址, CAS. HCMS is supported by the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,澳门英皇官网, The postdoc fellow will work in Hua Loo-Keng Center for Mathematics Sciences (HCMS) of AMSS, analysis,。


上一篇:澳门英皇网址:由同济大学数学科学学院学术委员会进行考核 下一篇:澳门英皇网址:生物科技將會是生命科學領域進步的關鍵著力點
